All in Mundus Oeconomicus

During the last few decades, there has been an intensification of the debate on whether it is justified to enforce patent protection for software, and on the possibility of introducing such norms into a system based on the European Patent Convention (1973). The main dilemma in the discussion is if introducing a full patent protection scheme would discourage or invigorate investments in the software industry.

The aim of this article is to find out, which of the parties – the seller or the buyer – the CESL protects more in the B2B transactions. In order to achieve the aim, the author has given an insight in the legal relationship between a buyer and a seller from the viewpoint of the economic analysis of law. The author has focused on the main aspects of the relevant regulation of the CESL,

Stara ljudska modrost ve povedati, da se človek lahko stegne toliko, kolikor je dolga njegova postelja. Podobno velja za odnos med demokracijo in ekonomskimi razmerami v družbi. Cvetoče gospodarstvo sicer ne zagotavlja demokratične družbe, vendar pa zgodovina izpričuje, da vsaka ekonomska kriza slej ko prej privede tudi do krize demokracije.